Found these in the remnant bin a week ago at Walmart (we only have one in the area now that kept their fabric, and I am glad it is only a little bit further than the one I normally frequent). This Walmart actually has two fairly large bins on each end of the cutting table for remnants...there was quite a bit in each and had I had unlimited funds I would probably have brought more home. All in all total I spent about $10.
The purple fairy fabric was 1 yard 8 inches and was about $4. It became a pillowcase for T. I thought I had taken a pic of it completed but I haven't yet.
The Thomas and Friends fabric is less than a yard, and was a little over $2. Not sure what I will make J... he wants another pillowcase but there is not enough material. I have thought about getting some solid red cotton fabric to border around it....haven't made up my mind yet.
The middle fabric of the pile was the best find... not sure exactly what it is but it reminds me of a is blue/white check... and a little over 2 yards for $3.40. I am going to make myself a pair of casual shorts with it and I know I will have some leftover for maybe a smaller project.
I also bought some tracing paper last weekend to be able to trace and make patterns. So I will be tracing my favorite pair of shorts to be able to have the same fit in the ones I am going to make myself. If they turn out as good as I hope... I will actually post a pic of me wearing them.
Happy Sewing!
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