Check out the pics... my ironing board was looking pretty shabby:
Yes, those spots of white are fusible interfacing.... I had accidentally cut into the cover during a sewing project (note to self... do not use ironing board as a cutting table) and I needed something to patch it with.
Hey- stop's called using your available resources.
And without further ado... though I do need to apologize for the bad pics...none of them turned out fabulous even though I tried taking them during the day as well...
Here is my new ironing board cover...and I am very happy with the way that it turned out.
Close up of is black and white on the red background (again...sorry for the crappy pic)
It only took me a couple hours total including cutting... though you can't quote me on the time cause I am notorious for cutting things out and then setting them aside for days and sometimes weeks... but it was really easy to do... and I will never buy a cover again.
SUPER CUTE!!! I SO need to make one. My cover is awful!! Putting bag over head ... I've used mine as a cutting board before too!
Great job!
LOL...Lisa. You could so make one. :) My issue is I have to cut stuff downstairs... but my machine is upstairs so that is why I cheat sometimes and use the ironing board rather than walk all the way downstairs.
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